Keeper members of various nationalities may be called upon to assist the PNP with translation work if an Ex-Pat is a victim of a crime and cannot speak English or Tagalog (ex. Chinese, Korean). The keeper will assist the Ex-Pat in reporting the crime to the PNP and relay the information from the PNP Officer to the crime victim. The Keepers are also encouraged to have their fellow nationals register with their respective embassy so they may have an idea how to contact in the event of an emergency. The keeper may also be asked to help in the event a family emergency in the home country of an Ex-Pat. With the Keeper aware of the location of other Ex-Pats he can direct the PNP to the location of the Ex-Pat needing notification of the death of illness of a loved one in the home country.
Duties & Privileges
The members enjoy having the personal contact with the Major and other high ranking PNP Officers and the opportunity to freely express their concerns related to Police matters. The meetings are also a good place to make new friends of other Ex-Pats from various backgrounds. The meetings are limited to the Keeper members and their prospective member guest.
The FNKN offers an official platform to build a personal relationship with your local PNP officers and links you with like-minded expats. It provides expats with a forum to express their concern to the PNP regarding matters in the community. It further serves as a platform for expats to become positively involved in the local community and to serve in the event of disaster striking.
Membership is limited to Foreign Nationals of good character with no serious criminal conviction in Philippines or any other country. Member must have legal passport and visa.
Members are on a 3 month probation period during which time they are expected to attend the monthly meetings unless they have an excused absence. The membership process includes a formal application with 2 passport type photos. The applicant will be interviewed by the Foreign Liaison Officer. The new member will be formally introduced at the next monthly meeting to the group. At the end of the 3 month probation period the new member will receive their PNP Volunteer Identification Card. Depending on the chapter, a membership fee will be collected at each meeting.
Encourage fellow foreign nationals to register with their embassies or consulate offices.
Act as a contact between the foreign embassies and their nationals/citizens residing in the community or area, for the purpose of conveying information and instructions from the embassy and PNP in an emergency situation or for other purposes as necessary.
To know the community and be familiar with areas where registered foreign nationals are located.
Regularly update the list of names, street addresses, phone/fax numbers, and email addresses of foreign nationals in the community or area.
Identify for the Embassy any means of communication available to reach foreign nationals quickly in case of emergency and in coordination with the nearest PNP office/unit.
Identify and suggest any suitable locations for assembly points in the area where foreign nationals could gather prior to an evacuation.
Report to the nearest PNP Intelligence Office movement/activities of foreign nationals Involved in criminal/terrorism activities.
Closely coordinate with the local police particularly the intelligence offices.